Paving the way to a cooler lifestyle without compromise

Make it stand out.

  • Dream it.

    Designing a concept product with feedback from the user is crucial to ensuring its success in the market. By incorporating user feedback throughout the design process, the final product is more likely to meet the needs and desires of the target audience. It is important to gather feedback early in the process to make informed design decisions, while also testing and iterating the product with users to fine-tune its functionality and usability. In the end, a concept product that has been refined with user feedback will not only meet consumer demands but also differentiate itself from competitors.

  • Build it.

    Building prototypes is an essential step in understanding the optimal method to achieving our goal. It provides an opportunity for reviewing the final result and tweaking it for satisfactory results. Regular testing allows for continuous improvements to the product. With the help of a good product building and testing process, it's possible to refine and improve products to meet customer needs effectively. After many iterations we continue to refine the design so that it is as productive as possible.

  • Grow it.

    Building a community of people with knowledge of our product, aims and needs is essential when it comes to refining our product and bringing it to market. By gathering people with diverse backgrounds and experiences, we can benefit from a range of opinions and ideas that can help us improve our product's design, features, and usability. Furthermore, we can tap into this community to help promote our products and get feedback on how to market, ensuring that our messaging and branding resonate with our target audience. Overall, a collaborative and innovative community can help take your product to the next level.


Conventional air-conditioners rely on a plentiful supply of electricity and liquid refrigerant. In many hot regions, electricity supply is unreliable and/or prohibitively expensive. Many liquid refrigerants are known air-polluters (Green House Gases).  Air-con purchase, operating and environmental costs are too high.

40% of the World’s population live in the Tropics. In total, 1.1 billion* people’s lives are negatively impacted by a lack of access to air cooling.

*470 million people living in rural areas and 630 million living in cities.

Our product is affordable and self-powered – no dependence on unreliable power grids.

  • For - Domestic homes, businesses and public spaces in tropical and arid regions.

  • Cost - Electricity cost eliminated. - Purchase cost reduced by up to 80% of current air-conditioning systems by using natural, less-processed materials and efficient carbon neutral manufacturing techniques.

  • Scalable - For small to large spaces.



Cool-earth employs Evaporative Cooling - an age-old temperature reduction method which has been optimised using current best-practise engineering techniques and production methods.

Environmentally conscious manufacture – The product can, and will be made close to its customers*

*Cool-earth aims to produce over 80% of components locally

Design influence - 

  • · Cool-earth is conceptualised by its users.

  • · Their concept is optimised by UK based engineers.

  • · Collaborations develop valid, functional products.  

Carbon footprint -

  • · Product made from natural, less-processed materials wherever possible.

  • · Optimised Low/No carbon manufacturing techniques employed.

  • · The Cool-earth team will work with The Carbon Trust to ensure its products are environmentally sound.